Optimal passing moments

The second stage in the design of optimal timetables (after a partition in homogeneous periods has been determined), is computing passing moments for all stops. TRITAPT can compute optimal passing moments for a homogeneous period. In the graph below, the period ran from the earliest trip until 11:00.

The horizontal axis of the graph is marked with two-letter abbreviations for the stops along the route. The vertical axis shows the time between the start of the trip and the passing moment at the halt. The way that passing moments are computed yields times from each halt to the end of the route, in this graphs, these have been converted to times from the beginning of the route.
passing moments graph

TRITAPT can produce passing moments graphs for a reasonable set of integer trip times, and for certain values of the feasibility.
In this particular graph, the route section time was set to 20 minutes. The (rounded) value of the feasibility is 85%. A feasibility of 85% would result in a trip time of 19 minutes and 59 seconds.

When the passing moments are converted to a published schedule, the times should preferably be rounded down. If the vehicles have on-board computers that constantly compare the scheduled with the current position of the vehicle, the highest precision supported by the on-board computers should be used for the timetable on those computers.